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eden seafood village

Last Thursday right after we finished work, me and another 4 colleagues went to Eden Seafood Village a classy, expensive seafood restaurant at Batu Feringghi. We made this plan earlier to celebrate my colleague Takdir who celebrates his birthday 4 years once. Why? His birthday is on 29th February. Yes, I know 29th is on Friday but he applied leave on Friday. Nothing we could do to change that, we made it on Thursday then.

We bought him a short sleeve shirt, a cute soccer birthday card with our pictures on it and a small chocolate cake. About seafood, we chose the fish ourselves. That was the best part =). We chose Siakap, Kerapu, cuttlefish, tiger prawn, spider prawn and some vegetables.

The restaurant agreed to cooperate with us to play birthday song. It was so much fun and not to mention the foods were so delicious! Yes it cost us RM800.00 for the dinner. So, what do you expect? =)

After dinner, we walked around the night market there. Yes it is so popular and foreigners like it so much. You can get many things at cheap price. Yes, they are not original… but who cares? =) I managed to buy Heroes season 1 and 2 with cheaper price compared to Prangin Mall [refer to my earlier post]. Season 1 with 7 DVD and season 2 with 3 DVD cost me RM40.00 and free 1 more DVD which my friend and I chose American Pie - Beta. Lol.

Then we drove home. Yes, another sweet memory for 2008 =)

Some photos :

Entrance. Nice Minangkabau style roof.

Choosing fish

Oh ok, my portrait?

Me and Azali


Takdir wished something... =)


Me, enjoying the dinner!

Birthday boy's favorite =)

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