Information to join our team of permanent bloggers
You are welcomed to submit your application to be a permanent blogger on this lifestyle blog if you have what it takes to be one.
To be a permanent blogger, you are expected to post in as frequent as possible (around once a month at least). As this is a free-for-all blog, your contributions of articles or offer to be a permanent blogger does not translate to any payment whatsoever.
You will need to be proficient in English as at present we are only publishing materials in English. Also, you should be familiar with blogs and it is an added advantage if you have one. Individuals with high sense of enthusiasm and motivation are encouraged to apply. Your entries should be posted in general; not matters pertaining on your life. You cannot at any time post materials which would be deemed inappropriate such as political or racial issues. You may reproduce works of others but obtaining their approval beforehand is vital and should be borne by you. All unoriginal work published by you on this blog will need to be credited to their original owner(s).
If you think you have what it takes, please send us a mail.
Your mail should include the following;
ONE (1) article on any of the categories listed as per the blog banner above - with pictures would be an added advantage. Your article should be at least 3-5 paragraphs long but a decent amount of information.
Your full name
Your age
Present area of residence and country
A short paragraph stating why would you like to join us
A Personal Biography (In a third person's perspective) - For example, please have a look on our permanent bloggers section.
Your picture with the dimensions not exceeding 450px x 600px (any orientation). If your picture is smaller than the said dimension, we would appreciate that you maintain its aspect ratio. Your picture would be preferred in greyscale too.
Your application is subjected to a review by our permanent bloggers for approval and is not automatically approved. You should hear from us within ONE (1) month after submitting your application, if your application is successful. If your application is unsuccessful, it may be caused by one of the following reasons:
(a) You missed out submitting information as per required. Incomplete application.
(b) We currently do not have any vacancies or openings for a permanent blogger.
(c) You do not possess the proficiency or qualities to contribute towards the blog.
If your application is unsuccessful and if it is caused by reason (b), your application would be stored in our records. Should there be a need for a new permanent blogger, we would look up into our records and reconsider your application. So there is no harm in applying!
Do note too that even if your application is unsuccessful, we may still publish your article(if it meets our requirements and standards) with credits given to you as a guest blogger.
Please send in your applications to this e-mail address with the subject being PERMANENT BLOGGER
Information to be guest bloggers
If you are not interested of being a permanent blogger, or do not want to feel obliged to contribute on a regular basis but you would still like to contribute your materials from time to time, you can always opt to be one of our guest bloggers.
By becoming a guest blogger, your profile would not be featured on our blog but articles submitted by you would be posted on the blog by a permanent blogger. The material however would definitely be credited to you as the contributor.
To submit your articles, please mail them to this e-mail address with the article's title being the subject.
Should you have excerpts or other materials such as pictures in your article but they do not belong to you, please let us know the name of the original owner(s) or their source(s). We would deem your article as an original work by you if you do not include those details.Please note you will not be paid for your submission as this is a free-for-all blog.
Please include your name that you wish to be credited at the beginning or the end of the article.
If you would like to have a line or two dedicated on your personal biography, you may do so. WE WILL ONLY INCLUDE A MAXIMUM of three lines at the end of the article.
Your article should not touch on sensitive issues and should be relevant to one of the categories stated as per the blog banner above.
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This blog is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Malaysia License.
We would like to inform you to adhere to our copyright policy as stated above. We also would like to state that information, pictures, excerpts and materials on this site may have been taken from work of others. Whilst most of them are obtained lawfully, we might have overlooked and hence should you find your work put up on this blog without your prior consent, please do not hesitate to contact us immediately so that your material would be removed (with sufficient prove that the said material belongs to you). Non-original work of our bloggers, such as those material stated above are usually credited or sourced to its owner(s) most of the times, even if consent has been given. Original work of our bloggers however do not necessarily require to be credited or sourced, although it is high likely they are done so. You are subject to the blog's copyright policy in using ANY of the materials published in this blog, including work of others(individuals/organizations not affiliated with us).